Introducing the Resilience Birthday Bundle

Improve your ability to manage stress and feel better in your body.

If you're here, you know how hard it can be to manage symptoms at times. Stress is the biggest trigger for MS symptoms for myself and most of my clients. When we're able to improve our bodies ability to tolerate stress, we also improve our bodies ability to be in a state of rest and healing. Being able to tolerate stress can be a critical part of managing the symptoms and disease.

Do any of these sound familiar?

  • You feel anxious, depressed or like your mind is racing much of the time and are unsure of how to help yourself move out of that state

  • You dealt with an acute stressor in the last few years and still feel wired and out of control

  • You feel unmotivated to make change, even though you want to see change in your life

  • You're mad or angry at your body, maybe you feel like it betrayed you

  • You scroll social media for hours or zone out watching Netflix each night

If you nodded your head to any of those, you're probably in a state of chronic stress. When we live with chronic stress, we’re in a state of fight/flight fairly constantly, and when it’s constant with no (perceived) way out, we enter the freeze state. Most of us are bouncing back and forth between sympathetic activation (fight/flight- feeling agitated and anxious) and shut down (freeze- numbing out and doom scrolling). Which leaves little time to be in rest and digest (healing).

Instead of this vicious cycle, what we really need is to close the stress loops that we’re leaving open. When they are left open, your body repeats the stress in order to try and close it again. Which means chronic stress has entered the chat. Which sets us up for dysfunctional bodies and autoimmune disease.
Unfortunately, most of us have been living like this since childhood due to family/societal conditioning (people pleasing, people pleasing, others before self, perfection etc.) dysregulated caregivers or trauma.

But there is a way out

With the Resilience Birthday Bundle, you'll learn how to regulate your nervous system and learn about yourself in a whole new way. You'll be able to manage stress effectively in ways that work for you and take control of your MS symptoms like never before. This bundle includes:

  • A comprehensive Masterclass, Cultivating Resilience: In this in-depth masterclass, you'll learn about the stress response cycle and how we're not completing the cycle, leading to anxiety, depression and an increase in MS symptoms. You'll discover proven techniques for managing stress, including mindfulness, meditation, and breathing exercises. You'll also learn how stress impacts MS and how you can use these techniques to manage your symptoms.

  • A 9-week Course, Embodied Resilience: In this course, you'll get step-by-step guidance on how to identify which nervous system state you're in and how that affects your view of yourself and the world around you. You'll also learn how to shift from a fight, flight or freeze state back into rest and digest. There are 9 modules and 40 short videos so you don't have to spend hours watching a screen.

Bundle includes

Here are all the products that are included in your bundle.

When you enroll in the Resilience Birthday Bundle, you'll have the tools and techniques you need to manage stress and improve your MS symptoms. You'll also be part of a community of people who understand what you're going through and are committed to supporting each other.

Stress is a part of our everyday, but it doesn't have to control and dictate your life anymore. Sign up today and start to take your life back.